The Fantastic 4 set out to explore the unknown dimensions of life in the frozen wastes. The Thing arrived early for a change (2 mins) and the Invisible Man only just appeared in time. We set off along Middlehowe Road at a good pace passing two hardened runners turning out to be Mrs Fantastic and friend. The Human Torch found it tough to get ignited so the others had to slow for him. The ride to Fiddle Drill was quite fast paced and there were some icy moments, which slowed the pace. Mr Fantastic had to forgo the repast as he had more inventions to create back at base. The Thing and Invisible Man ate well but the Human Torch tried to set things alight with the flapjack. Invisible Man made his meal disappear quickly. The Thing then made a remarkable complaint about the Invisible Man making him wait at the start as he was so late! Methinks just jealous that it was the first time anyone had arrived after The Thing in history! We managed to get back from the icy realms safe and well, having enjoyed sunny aspects.
Cast James Gilbert, Colin Garvin, Michael Kerrigan, Matt Meade. Can you guess their characters?