Eeee ‘Ello everybody! 🎵The sun is shining in the sky, there ain’t a cloud in sight. It’s stopped raining, everybody’s out to play….. 🎵. Well twelve to be precise, turned out for today’s ride to Shiptonthorpe. “Route today is via Riplingham, Melton, Welton, South/North Cave then Market Weighton to cafe” advised Neil.

Setting out to the start at Walkington Pond, the temperature was still somewhat cool with most of us opting for extra layers despite the bright sunshine. Things soon warmed up though as we started the climb up Bluestone Bottoms. On reaching the junction of Westoby Lane we turned towards Riplingham, a rollercoaster of a road which continued onto Lambwell hill and the final “big dipper” down to Welton and “up and over” to Elloughton.

Now that the “fun of the fair” was over it was time for the “sprinters”. However while “sauntering” along (18mph+) between South and North Cave our group was overtaken by a lone cyclist. It was like “red rag to a bull” to our pace setter as our speed suddenly increased to match our more usual 20’s plenty.
At North Cave we split into two groups as we “chain ganged” our way north to Market Weighton. The “lead” group set off in a determined pursuit of the “lone cyclist” (just to prove a point 😉). Meanwhile back in group two we were happily cruising our way along, when some “entitled ignoramus 🤡” took exception to our chain gang, blasting his horn as they passed by, despite a wide clear road. From Market Weighton it was just a short hop to Shiptonthorpe and the cafe at Langlands Garden centre.
“So what happened to Melton?” asked one inquisitive person🤔😆. “Sssshh, don’t ask” advised others. After a longer than normal wait for service at the cafe, it was time to set off for the return journey. “Instead of heading back to Market Weighton, we’ll take the main road to the Londesborough roundabout then left up to the top of Nunburnholme” advised Neil “We’ll then have a lovely run to North Dalton and Bainton with the wind behind” he added. By the time we’d climbed up from Londesborough the thermometer had also climbed allowing us to shed a few layers. “I’m overheating 🥵 under all this gear” informed one glowing knight. “Yes I’m Melton’ too!” agreed another 😁.
From Nunburnholme top, we continued onwards until meeting the junction to North Dalton. On exiting the junction, the sound of crunching gears and loud groans sounded all around as some of our group found themselves “caught” in the wrong gear as the gradient rose steeply 🤐🤭. After regrouping at North Dalton we carried on eastwards to Bainton before wending our way to Bracken and back home via Etton and Cherry Burton. Another very enjoyable ride with a good mix of terrain and great company.
🎵Hey there Mr. Blue! We’re so pleased to be with you, Look around, see what you do, Everybody smiles at you!🎵