Beverley Knights Cycling Club Rules 2015
Created June 2015
1) Composition
The name of the Club shall be Beverley Knight Cycling Club, and shall be open to persons of either sex. New members shall be approved for membership at any Committee Meeting or the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The objectives of the Club shall be to promote Club Rides and Social Events.
2) Officials
The Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of: Chairman, Club Secretary, Treasurer and up to four other club members. The positions of chairman, club sectetary and treasurer shall be elected annually at the AGM. For the purpose of Committee Meetings, four shall form a quorum.
3) Subscriptions
The annual subscription shall be £25.00.
- Subscriptions are due on the 1st April for that year. Any member failing to pay their subscription by the 30 May will be held to have resigned from the club. Applications for re-admission will be at the discretion of the Committee.
- Refunds will only be given in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the committee.
4) Colours
The Club colours to be blue, yellow and white.
5) Financial
The Treasurer’s annual financial statement shall be audited by a non-committee member, who shall be elected at the AGM. The Club’s financial year shall be from the 1st January to 31st December inclusive.
6) Alteration
Any alteration or addition to the rules to be made at the A.G.M. Notice of such proposed alterations to be handed to the Club Secretary fourteen days prior to the AGM.
7) Club closure
In the event of the Club being wound up, all property and funds are to be used for the good of cycling and will be given to support cycling locally.
6) General
All club rules shall be strictly enforced and abided by. The Committee has the power to decide in cases where not provided for in these existing rules.