Heather was first to “grab the bull by the horns” and propose a route for today’s ride to the Ginger Cow at Everingham. Two groups set off from Manor House with James G, Mark and Pugwash in group one and Heather, Sarah, Matthew and Mike in group two.
Heading towards Cherry Burton, we caught up with another group ahead with a car trailing behind them waiting for an opportunity to pass. Tagging onto the back of the car felt a bit like “drafting”, fortunately it was not long before the car overtook the group and we did likewise.
The road closure is still in place at Etton so we headed for Chantry Lane. Mark almost turned into the driveway leading to the church before realising we’d not reached the junction yet. Perhaps he was looking for some divine guidance 🙏 or he may have been seeking forgiveness for not having mudguards on the wet roads. “It was dry in Driffield this morning” he claimed.
At Kiplingcotes, group one took the Spring Road to Goodmanham but with hindsight we should have taken the same route as group two and head up to Cross Gate road. Dodging potholes, gravel and general defects in the road surface was not ideal. At one point we had a car trailing a horsebox make an attempt to pass until the driver thought better of it and waited a few seconds until we turned off on Red Lane.
The toughest climb of the day came at Intake Hill with Mark taking the kudos for best time. While recovering from our efforts we discussed various heart rates. Based on the “rule of thumb” 220 – age then I’m only 52 yeah! 😁

“It’s all downhill from here” sprung to mind as we cruised down to Burnby then Hayton. Soon enough, we found ourselves at the Ginger Cow where we were welcomed in and settled at our table. Feeling “flush” Mark decided to splash out and go for the Eggs Royal with James going for Beans on toast. Pugwash opted to follow Mark’s choice which proved a good decision, more than can be said for the coffee.
Shortly after settling down to our drinks, group two put in an appearance. Once we had our “fill” group one left to continue the journey home. The terrain was generally flat through Harswell and the Cliffe Road and the pace picked up as we each took turns on the front. A little more “challenge” came in the form of Common Hill where on this occasion Pugwash managed to “pip” Mark to the best time. 😁
However by the time we reached Newbald, Mark continued to “lead” from the front followed by James with Pugwash, slightly of the pace, trailing along behind. Nothing to do with the effects of James’s lunch though. 😉 While our group took the Beverley Road home, group two took a variation and “zipped” up Townend Road and Burgate before returning home along Littlewood Road.
With little wind to speak of and occasional sunshine, it proved to be almost perfect weather for cycling.