In less than an hour after Ray announced Friday’s destination we had eleven Knights indicating they were coming along for the ride. A further two adding their names later brought the total to a round “bakers” dozen. Michael arrived at Manor House just in time for the “photo-opportunity” but tried his best to keep out of shot. Mark appeared shortly after at which point, route master Raymondo, leading from the front ‘fired the starting-gun’ . As we set off to follow ‘our leader’ a little voice piped up in the background “but we’re two minutes early”.

The twelve Knights were later joined by Steve G at Cherry Burton where we continued to Etton. Now I’m sure I heard Raymond ask if everyone was happy with the route receiving a resounding positive response. It did not prevent those in the lead missing the turn towards Kiplingcotes. Seems they didn’t know their Arras from their Dalton! 😉 Back on track, it was soon time to face our first climb of the day, Kiplingcotes Lane over Arras Hill. Just after crossing the main 1079 road we waited to regroup. Mike took the opportunity to attend to a mechanical problem with his bike as the ‘audience’ hung around offering support and advice.

On reaching Sancton we headed along Houghton Lane. A little way along, a group of children cheered and applauded us as we passed by creating an ‘event’ like atmosphere as we reciprocated with cheery hellos and waves. At Cliffe Road we split in two groups until peeling off at North Cliffe along Sand Lane. It was at this point Matthew headed home feeling a little below par after 2nd jab, while the rest of us continued to Harswell, Everingham and Bielby before arriving at Allerthorpe Lakeland Park.
It was really pleasant sitting in the sunshine enjoying our snacks, watching everyone having fun on the lake and “shooting the breeze”. Despite the temptation to join in all the fun, it was soon time to return home. As an alternative to riding through Pocklington, we decided to retrace our route back towards Bielby but then take the road to Hayton and Burnby. As we neared Burnby, a car came up behind us on the single track lane but was unable to pass safely until we reached the junction. Not content with us heading in the opposite direction, the driver had to give a blast on the horn as they’d been delayed by around 10-20 secs.
Next up was the climb up to Londesborough followed by Intake Hill before rolling into Market Weighton. After regrouping at Goodmanham Road we headed homewards on the Spring Road to Etton and Cherry Burton. A very enjoyable ride in perfect weather following different routes options. We’ll done Raymondo!