🎶To the sound of…… 🎶huffing and puffing! Five Knights including trialist James attended the “team” briefing at Market Cross. “Right men, were going to stay local but will include some hills today” advised Raymond. After outlining the route we set off to meet up with Matt and Russell at Manor House.
The peloton set off into the wind towards North Newbald led initially by Matt and Russell. The rest of us happily tucking in behind until we reached “base camp” at the bottom of Stoneknowle. 🎶The only way is up 🎶 began to filter through the brain waves as we approached the gentle lower slopes but soon changed to 🎶Climb every mountain🎶 as we hit the short steeper section.
After regrouping near the top, we continued towards Gardham and the thrill of 🎶Flying Without Wings🎶 downhill then wind assisted to Etton before turning up to South Dalton. At Holme-on-the-Wolds it was time to head into the wind once more. With little to shelter us, progress was tough. At least the first part was relatively flat, but as we turned towards Goodmanham the slight incline added to our efforts. With a final flourish downhill we reached the “feed station” at the Fiddle Drill. 🎶Feed the Birds… 🎶

Our return journey took us firstly along the Spring Road to the second “base camp” at Kiplingcotes Lane. The steady initial incline soon gives way as the terrain continued upwards. “Who’s idea was this?” must have flitted through our minds. At the top we managed a short breather while waiting for an opportunity to cross the A1079 before hitting the final Hessleskew climb. Thereafter it was downhill to Sancton directly into the wind.
Setting off from Sancton to Newbald, “Every man for himself” called out Raymond. As we rolled through North Newbald, strains of PJ & Duncan 🎶Let’s Get Ready to Trundle🎶 filled the air. Somewhat reluctantly we danced💃 our way to third “base camp” at South Newbald. Cue “granny gear”, head down and keep pedaling. Thankfully the wind was now behind us, although it never seems to make the climb much easier.
The last leg was now generally downwards as we rode wind assisted to Walkington where we all started to head our own way home and the end of another superb ride. A familiar cafe stop but a quite different route from our usual. I’m sure we all secretly enjoyed it, even Trundlegate! 😜