An 8.30 am start time was proposed to allow time to fit in 100 miles. Both Stephen and Sharrin needed to get some Tour de France miles in. Olivier , James and Colin were all keen to join. With the wind forecast we knew that the way out would be the easier of the two halves and wet set off at a pace to make the most of it . Burton Constable was reached within the hour and then we pushed on East via Humbleton, Danethorpe,, Owstwick, Roos, Rimswell, and then reached Withernsea. Time for a stop and a snack at the beach. At this point Colin left us returning to Beverley. We headed on and ended up in the middle of the Withernsea 5 race and fund run. With the road blocked luckily the marshal was happy to let us through so we continued on , cheering those from Beverley AC as we passed. We made good time then heading via Easington ( and its Puffin ! – did spot another but can’t remember where!!) , the vast site of the gas terminal (we were reliably informed that 1/3 of the Uk gas supply enters the country here from Norway) and then Kilnsea and onto Spurn. We had a lunch stop at the Spurn Point Discovery Centre sitting in the shelter of the amphitheatre. Fuelled by some good food we now contemplated the trip home without the benefit of the tailwind.As soon as we set of towards Patrington the ominous black cloud that was getting closer opened up and it started to rain. However it was warm and no one fancied stopping to put on rain jackets so we just kept going until it stopped. We dropped down towards Sunk Island and formed a mini echelon to gain some shelter. It felt like the road to nowhere, no one about and never ending ! Thanks to the hard work of Olivier , James and Stephen we reached Thorngumbald and another snack stop to give Sharrin time to recover!! After a pep talk and” its just like a 50km ride starting now ” we headed on back Northward towards Humbleton and onwards to Swine . When we reached the main road that normally meant a right turn to home it took a lot of effort to turn left and head to Wawne and a loop to ensure the 100 miles was completed. We reached the Asda roundabout and aimed to get on the cycle path. The roundabout is now renamed Olivier’s roundabout as the gravel took his wheels when we were half way round and he slid on his elbow and knee to a halt with the cars stopped behind – scary moment. However adrenaline kept him going ( and a train to catch ) and we reached home via Thearne and Long Lane. Great day out !