“Ahoy there me hearties”! “Captain on deck”! ‘Twas on the good ship Venus, I’m sure you must have seen us, huffing and puffing over the hill, following a route that was just pure genius……..
We had a civic reception at Market Cross for the four who gathered there. Well what else would the mayor and his wife be there for? “Oh just putting up some bunting”. Oops, time to depart. The ride must start on time after all.
Dave 🌊🏠 took up flagship duties as we set off over the Westwood toward Manor House to hook up with the rest of the fleet. Captain Greybeard made the executive decision on the route. As he gave a run down, a small tear😢 appeared in his eye. Not sure if it was tears of laughter at the thought of all the hills he’d chosen for us to climb or tears off sorrow for the effort to come.
The fleet set off to North Newbald into a light head wind. Enjoying the sunshine we sailed on through South Newbald to Hotham. Nearly lost one of our vessels along the way, as an enemy ship in the form of a tractor tried his best to give Greybeard a full broadside. Once on the Cliffe Road, we now had the wind astern. Time to unfurl the main sails as we made good progress to the junction for Sancton.
Soon enough we reached the first big challenge of the day. “Shuddering Sharks” cried Pugwash “Look at the teeth on that” as we set off up Sancton hill. Nice and steady does it. Ten minutes later we are all safely on the crest of the wave. Time for the surf board down the other side as we headed down Kiplingcotes lane.
Next up was the short ramp up to Kiplingcotes race course followed by a steady incline ending with another short 8% ramp. Heading towards the Fiddle Drill, another enemy ship, impatient to overtake, tried to broadside Greybeard once more.

After our cafe stop, it was time to head home. With the wind behind once more, we made swift progress to Holme-on-the-Wolds before making our way through South Dalton, Etton and Cherry Burton. “🎶And now the end is near, its time face the final Burton🎶” Bishop Burton that is. A great route, wonderful company and super sunny weather. What more can we ask for? Same again next week?