Sheriff Raymondo assembled the posse of eight at Manor House. “Right men, our fugitive is hiding out o’er them ther’ ‘ills, in a saloon called Fiddle Drill”. As he was outlining the route, Matty the Kidder arrived in his covered wagon bearing his damsel. After agreeing to join the posse he’d said he’d meet with us later.
General Neil led the way out towards Newbald alongside sheriff Raymondo followed by “Sheep” Russeller and “Lil Miss” Lesley, “Six Horses” Heather and “Chippy” Chris then hanging on the rear were Captain “Calamity” and “Robber” Steve. Just as we were approaching the turn to Stoneknowle, a fugitive was spotted at full gallop as he passed our posse. “After him! Don’t let him get away!” cried the sheriff. Bringing all six horses into play, Heather shot off in hot pursuit along with the General. All to no avail however as he managed to give us the slip.
After regrouping it was time to head down from the “Gardham mountain” towards Low Gardham ranch and on to Etton where Matty the Kidder was waiting, fully booted and spurred with his recently repaired steed. It’s OK Matty, we won’t mention the cost, your secret is safe with us….. ahem!
The now nine strong posse (well that spoilt my title) headed up Dalton ramp before turning into the wind along the Kiplingcotes road and eventually tracking north along the Middleton road before circling back towards Goodmanham. Having surrounded the “saloon” the sheriff called out “Come out with your hands up! We don’t want any trouble!” No response, I suppose we better head in there.

After a brief tussle at the counter and some rearrangement of the furniture we settled down to enjoy the proceeds of our capture. While regaling each other with tales of daring-do, the doors swung open and deathly hush fell around the canteen as the “Wild Bunch” strode in covered in logos of the Velo Cafe. “OK boys we don’t want no trouble here” said the barkeep while happily pocketing their hard earned cash.
It was then time to make our getaway to try and get back to “Dodge” before the rain. Taking the shortest way along the Spring Road back to Etton we were grateful that we’d managed to get out and stay dry this far. Our luck soon ran out however, as the light rain turned moderate forcing a quick donning of rain capes. The final part of the ride may have been rather damp but did not dampen spirits.