The “battle” for superiority is already well under way despite the inclement weather of recent months.
KOM Challenge – Steep Hill to Comberdale

In the “Hall of the Mountain Goats” we have a tremendous face-off between two matched contenders with Sir Sean throwing down the initial gauntlet posting a time of 5:50. Matching the same time was Sir Graham, but as he prefers to remain incognito his achievement doesn’t show on the leaderboard.
Sprint Challenge – BK Sprint 2024
It’s hot at the top with Sir Michael determined to claim the “Green Pants” award by spurring his mighty steed onwards to post an impressive speed. A few seconds behind in 2nd place we have Sir Chad, leaving the rest to fight for the scraps.

Time Trial – Shark’s Tooth

Not much action on the “Shark’s Tooth” with much of the year missed due to road works on sections of the route. Now the route is clear it’s game on once more. Good luck everyone.