The ink wasn’t even dry on last week’s report when news leaked in that Sir Chris of House Shep had been dethroned. Not just once but twice. First to make a claim to the Shark’s Tooth throne was Sir Olivier of clan Whettem with a fantastic time of 19:11. Sadly before he could get his hands on the jagged crown along comes Sir Michael of clan Kerrigan to snatch it away with an excellent time of 19:09.
“Uneasy is the Head that wears a crown” sprang to mind when Sir Chris mounted up to face the challenge head on just two days later. With a massive “army” powering his legs, he raced his way to victory and wrested the crown from the quivering fingers of Sir Michael setting a new best time of 19:02. 👑
Meanwhile out in the Ridings, the Knights appear to be taking advantage of the mostly clement weather and enforced layoffs to clock up the miles. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact we have a new prize this year for the largest percentage increase in mileage! 😉
In the land of the Ionians it has been fairly peaceful so far. Sir Dave of House Water posting the best time of 1:18 which was equalled by Sir Michael a few weeks later.
In the battle of Welton Wolds, Sir Chris has thrown down the gauntlet in a bid to add another crown to his collection and is currently in top spot with a time of 5:26 followed once more by Sir Michael at 5:31. But wait a minute…….. 🎶 What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? 🎶 No, I do believe it is Sur Gery Hatrick tossing aside his crutches and rising like Lazarus to bag third place with a time of 5:41.
Looks like we’ll have at least another three weeks of lockdown followed by continued social distancing so not sure when group riding will be feasible again. However I shall endeavour to keep you entertained until things return to normal.