“Forecast for tomorrow is looking good” said Raymond confidently looking for a “show of hands” from anyone to join Friday’s ride. A number of takers were quick off the mark until Capt Pugwash indicated an alternative forecast was possible and a weather check would be needed.
Come the morning, the “men” fell out like the drops of rain☔ falling from the sky. However, with an improving forecast and only slight chance of showers, six Knights eventually mustered to take their chances. Iain, Andy G and Steve G set off from Manor House while Pugwash, Michael and Seadog left from Market Cross.
Arriving at Etton, the road works were still in place so we decided to head up Chantry Lane, although Michael still fancied “picking” his way through the main street. Once on the Warter road it was head to wind all the way to Market Weighton. After that, it was time for a bit of climbing as we headed to Londesborough, Burnby, Nunburnholme before the cafe stop at Ramblers Rest in Millington.
Looking down to Millington Dale Capt Pugwash
On arrival, we came across the remnants of the Manor House group, well just Iain actually. Having “sailed” in with visions of a nice warm fire to warm the cockles, it was with some chagrin that we ended up sitting outside because one “numpty” forgot his mask🎭 (yes, despite all the earlier reminders).
Heading back along the Dale we soon encountered a group of the “country set” out for a shoot. It was quite disconcerting as we passed a dozen or so gents with loaded guns pointing in our direction. We suddenly felt like “ducks” 🦆🦆 in a shooting gallery! Time to ride two abreast methinks 😉
Regrouping at Huggate, we spotted black clouds and rain away to the north. Fortunately we had only a brief shower as we tried to outrun the wind 🌬️ down to North Dalton and Middleton-on-the-Wolds. Iain left the group just after Lund while the three Amigos completed the journey home to Beverley. As Raymond said, it was a ride with something for everyone and I’m sure those who dropped out wished they’d made the effort. Never mind, there’s always a next time.