This Friday saw Beverley Knights Cycling Club social get together at Beverley Town Cricket club. A great chance to catch up with members in a non cycling environment. It was also an opportunity to announce the “winners” of the various challenges held through 2021.
Following a “Pie & Pea” supper the Prize giving commenced with chairman Neil taking the floor. His task was made all the more difficult this time with the introduction of various age and gender categories within the challenges.
First up in the KOM challenge, winner of the ‘past champions’ award of the “Spotty Pants” went to Olivier with a superb time of 7:15 and a speed of 27.7kph. The 40 – 60 age group was won by Neil Z (aka Zog), the 60+ title was won by Iain G while the 70+ crown went to Steve G. In the ladies category the QOM went to Heather.
Next up was the result of the Sprint challenge with the ‘past champions’ award of the “Green Pants” going to Chris Shep with a time of 52s giving him a speed of 52.1kph. First in the under 40 category was Alex Lee and in the 40-60 category was Michael K, the fastest in the 60+ age group was Barry D while the 70+ crown was taken Seadog Dave. The leading lady in this category went once again to Heather.
The weather and various covid restrictions last year meant that there were not many attempts at the “Shark’s Tooth” time trial. For those who did make the effort, the fastest time of 18:17 was set by Olivier giving him an average speed of 35.4kph. The 60+ title went to Pugwash while the 70+ title taken by Jim S.
The final prestigious category of the “Yellow Pants” award went to Paul W for his efforts in organising the Monday night rides and assisting new members to the club.

To round off a wonderful evening we held a quiz which had been set by question master Raymond to test our observational skills and knowledge of Beverley. After our twenty questions there was a three way tie between the various table teams. To settle the “bragging rights” an additional tie break question saw Paul’s team taking the kudos.