…. it’s almost over! Yee hah! Come on! Mount up! Get out there once again. Time to start burning off all the extra baggage acquired over the festive period. So it was with enthusiasm I headed into the garage to check over the winter bike. Brakes ✔️, Lights ✔️, Mudguards ✔️, Garmin ✔️, Water ✔️, Tyres… maybe just a little top up required. Mmm, something wrong with the valve on the rear tyre. 🤔 Never mind the pressure is still holding 💭 so off I set. I’d only gone about about 100 yards when I began to feel “something was wrong”. Sure enough, the rear tyre had gone flat.
Returning home, I sent a message to let everyone know I’d be a little late arriving then set about replacing the affected inner tube. Shortly after, I was ready to set off again. Twenty minutes to get to Etton for the 10am start. I’ll give it my best shot but the God’s of fortune were not with me. First obstacle was a line of traffic blocking the way to Lairgate, so decided to take a different way round only to be confronted with red traffic lights at every stop. Eventually out of town heading towards Cherry Burton ☎️ bzzzz. It was Neil “Are you nearly there yet?”. Shortly after setting off again, all traffic was being held up while a tree at the roadside was being felled then… finally a clear run to Etton. Thanks for waiting everyone.

The day was damp with some icy patches reported but we still had a good turn out at the start for a short trip to Hutton Cranswick Farm Shop. Heading initially to South Dalton we turned passing the “duck pond” to make our way over to Bracken Lane. It was great to “catch up” with everyone again and how they all coped with the “Big Freeze” and the festive period.

After our cafe stop we found that the puncture fairy had paid a visit to Russ who promptly upended his bike to effect a repair. Getting the tyre off proved the most difficult task but with everyone chipping in with assistance Russ was ready to roll. By this time the main group had been whittled down to five and we set off on the back roads via Top Hill Low to Watton. Probably not the best choice of road with numerous potholes and mud everywhere but at least the sun tried to peak through for the final leg of our journey via Lockington back home.