In the absence of the wonderful wordsmith Puggy from today’s ride, I thought I would take on the challenge of the weekly write up. Please forgive the rookie style of writing, especially where routes and roads are concerned-this area of expertise is not my forte (just ask the husband!).
12 strong crew rocked up to market place, hoping to blow away some of the festive cobwebs and start as they mean to go on for the New Year. With positive vibes for the upcoming year, people were keen to get going. The route to be taken was the first bone of contention, particularly amongst those recently recovering from nasty illnesses or injury. Ray requested a nice flat ride out to the coast and strongly emphasised ‘NO HILLS’. I think this suggestion was a relief to those who may have overindulged on the mince pies or as some might call them ‘mince tarts’.
The no hill suggestion was quickly brushed aside as a slightly more challenging route of Etton, South Dalton and up to Cranswick was decided upon. Ready to set off at the later suggested time of 9.45 we were still waiting for James. With everyone checking their watches and declaring ‘How can you be late with a later time of 9.45?’, James swept in, in his vintage Knights jersey-setting the tone of the attire amongst the more established members of the crew.
With temperatures not much above 5 degrees and the sky looking a mottled grey we were promised sunshine at 11 by ‘Michael Fish’ AKA Ray. With the promise of glorious sunshine we set off towards Cherry Burton, heading over the first hill on the road to Etton. As we turned off towards South Dalton up the long drag a little voice pipped up from the back ‘I did request no hills today!’. With some of the hills proving more tricky for some of the crew, a clear front, middle and back group quickly formed. The front group who were keen to work off the ‘mince tarts’ peddled hard and kept a good pace, leading the way.
The crew headed on through Holme on the Wolds, Lockington and Kilnwick. As we turned into Kilnwick there was a little bit of confusion as to where some of the riders had gone; we never thought of Kilnwick as Yorkshire’s answer to the Bermuda Triangle. With no sign of the stray two, we parked up as Matthew headed out on a search and rescue mission. It soon turned into Carry on Cycling as Neil then decided to head out after Matthew. With a game of cat and mouse underway, the rest of the crew were praying for a break in the clouds as the temperature started to take its toll on fingers and toes.
Moments later Neil emerged and said ‘Table’s booked, let’s get going, they must have taken a different route, we’ll meet them there’. We then proceeded on to what can only be described as a total mud bath as the tractors were harvesting the last of the Christmas sprouts on the road out of Kilnwick. On the muddy track we whizzed past Matthew who had failed to find the roaming twosome, he declared ‘I’m off back, catch you all later’. Maybe the search and rescue proved too much?
With cold fingers and toes the crew were keen to get to the Farm Shop at Cranswick and ramped up the pace in an attempt to find the warmth and the promise of a hot cup of tea. Unfortunately for some who tried to ride the whole way around the stone chips at the farm shop, a quick tumble into the gravel was the last straw.
The two renegades found at the farm shop John Benn also put in an appearance, supplier of pie & Peas at Xmas Party
As we walked into the farm shop, relief of finding the rogue duo eating bacon butties and slurping hot tea, was a much welcomed sight. Tea and poached eggs on toast soon warmed up the cockles and conversation turned to vintage jerseys. Ray proudly showing off his ‘original’ Beverley Knights kit, the colours and pictures confusing the newer members of the club. Several other members proudly showing off their vintage jersey’s mark 2. The winner though had to be Neil who announced that his retro Belgium jersey was 42 years old and cost him £8 when he was 18!
Chad with his “chadow” James & Michael at Burnbutts Sarah contemplating a chip shop stop for Chris Good to see Russel out again after injury Ray & Norman being “sheparded” by Heather
Right on cue, the sunshine came out as promised and we were off on our return journey home. The warmth of the sun was a welcome relief to some who were still cold from the wait at Kilnwick. As the crew cycled onto Bracken, Sarah proudly announced ‘Neil, I’ve just realised that your jersey is older than me!’. The response from Neil was unpublishable, but I think you can get the idea. The ride home was smooth and pleasant as the crew started to peel off for alternative routes home.
Down the Deep Blue Sea getting chips for daddy’s tea Payment made, time to head home One happy looking chappy
A quick stop at the chippy for a promised bag of chips for Chris Shep who was stuck at home, rounded the ride off nicely. With chips tucked into the vintage jersey, a Beverley Knights Deliveroo service may have just been born.