Hey Shipmates……. up here! It’s me Germy Corvid stuck in isolation up here keeping a look out for those nasty 19 miscreants. The only thing spotted this week was a rather irate shark being chased around for its tooth. After Michael set a new bench mark for everyone, Sarah followed with a valiant first attempt. Shaun was next up to the plate, waving walkers aside like a ship’s bow cutting through water as he raced his way passed Risby in a determined effort. These attempts however, paled into insignificance when Chris not only managed to ride on the back of the shark resembling an elite surfer before ripping out its teeth and wrapping them round his head in the form of a crown. 👑 Well done Chris, game on!
Now we are in the third week of lockdown with no sign of an end in sight. It’s a bit like staring at the horizon for hours on end, willing something to appear just to break up the monotony. Fortunately the weather has taken a turn for the better and has allowed us to keep getting out for our “permitted exercise” 🌞😁. This week I have managed to spot another three Knights, like ships passing in the night. Chad zoomed on by, head down giving it full gas and did not “clock” Mr & Mrs Pugwash heading in the opposite direction. Apologies to the other two, as I was unable to id you but you were both wearing BK kit.
One advantage of this social isolation, is the quiet roads. Returning home through town the other day, it would have been easy to imagine the tumbleweed blowing through the streets and the sound of “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” theme time whistling in the ears. Even the traffic lights kept changing in our favour.
Well folks that’s the end of my watch and I’ll be coming down from this lofty perch. The watch will now be taken over by Keep Schtummer who I’m sure will keep you all posted while captain Bo Nobo is recovering.