Eight hardy souls turned out to make the most of the benign winter weather and to work off some calories before the big Xmas party bash. A slight change to the normal start point with everyone meeting at Manor House.
The lure of the caveman breakfast at Driffield proved a draw for some as the preferred choice of cafe stop. We set off towards Cherry Burton at a rather cautious pace owing to the damp and chilly conditions.
With no sign of ice, the pace began to pick up as we made our way through Etton and on to South Dalton. A quick stop along Mere Lane we took a show of hands to confirm the choice of cafe before continuing onwards to Hutton Cranswick. Even the lure of a nice warm log burner at TJs was not enough to deter the group from their chosen destination.
It proved a turning point for Steve as he left the group to return home while the remaining seven carried on through Cranswick to Skerne. Another brief stop at Bellsmill gave us a chance to phone ahead with the food order. No takers for the caveman breakfast on this occasion though. With bacon sandwiches or egg on toast it was more like caveman lite!
Suitably refreshed it was time to return home, but not before Heather ran back into the shop to rescue Neil before he did too much damage to his credit card. Our return route saw us retracing our steps (almost) to Etton where Mike left the group to take the main road home while the rest of us took the usual road back to Manor House and home.