15th May Girona to Banyoles

Day three saw the Knights heading north this time to the lakeside town of Banyoles. A slightly shorter outing at around 40 miles. After a short warm up the first challenge of the day came with the climb to the peak of Sant Julià de Ramis. After crossing the Autopista de la Mediterrània near Medinyà the route headed slightly upwards over undulating terrain to Cornelia del Terri. Arriving into Banyoles, the Knights followed a circular route around the lake eventually stopping for lunch at La Pesquera restaurant.

For the return journey the Knights took a different route heading south through Camós. It was none the less lumpy as they faced gradients touching 7-8% while heading towards Palol. Later at Ravós del Terri it was time to retrace the outward route back to Medinyà and Girona. After a hot day in the saddle an ice cold refreshment must have been well appreciated.