The sun was shining brrrrrrrright but there was still a chill in the air after the overnight frost. Captain Pugwash’s attempt to assume command by suggesting the destination, was well noted by “route Master” Raymond who, unbeknownst to Pugwash, had recently returned from foreign climes to take up his role once again.
Ten Knights turned up including two potential new recruits for a flat ride to the coast and the Mere Cafe at Hornsea. Setting out from Market Cross along Norwood, we met up with KiwiManx at Tickton to bring our numbers to football team level.
As we made our way towards Meaux, Mike led the way up front like a lone striker, supported by Russel, KiwiManx and trialist Michael. In the midfield we had Pugwash, Raymond, Norman and Sharrin and in defence we had trialist John and Steve providing great support in goal.
As we progressed towards Long Riston with a helping wind players moved up to take the lead or drop back to help out in the defence. The team worked well as we continued our way along quiet country roads towards Mappleton. The only hiccup on the way was when the strikers lost sight of goal on reaching the junction to Hatfield and turned the wrong way. Fortunately the midfield were on the ball to keep them heading the right way.
On reaching the main coast road, the team went into full attack mode. The strike force reached the cafe in good time shortly followed by the midfield. The forward movement had been so swift, the defence was left lingering around the goal mouth.
Mike, Ray, Russel, Sharrin & Michael Steve, John, Norman & Shaun trying to remain incognito
Half time allowed the team to recoup some of the energy consumed and a chance to discuss the progress so far. Our roving midfielder KiwiManx received a red card and had to return directly home alone for an early bath (work really). Tactics were discussed for the second half, however immediately after the whistle, centre forward Mike played a flanker down the wing in an effort to beat the defensive traffic lights.
Mike taking the corner A sterling defense Russel & John
Having bypassed the first defensive line, the temporary rearguard provided more resistance, until the referee gave us the green light to resume the game. The team then continued past the Honeysuckle Farm and on to Bewholme. From there the head winds provided stiff opposition, as we made our way through Brandesburton and Leven before returning to Beverley along the cycle path.
With beautiful sunshine, lightish winds and flat roads, I’d call that 3 – 0 result. Looking forward to the next leg already.